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Void Filling


The voids under the concrete slab must be filled. The best solution is to use polyurethane foam or polyjacking. This process involves the injection underneath the slab through penny-sized holes drilled in the concrete. Once injected beneath the concrete, the polyurethane expands to fill the voids and compact the soil around the voids. This helps to create a more stable base for the entire foundation.


Some of the most common issues that result in void formation are:

  • Soil Shrinkage: When the weather is extremely hot and dry, the soil under the slab will shrink, forming voids and gaps underneath the foundation.

  • Erosion: These voids form due to erosion from excessive rainfall, which washes away the soil under and around the concrete slab.

  • Hydrostatic Pressure: Heavy precipitation can lead to an increase in hydrostatic pressure in the soil. This pressure pushes on the concrete, causing it to shift, settle, and even develop slab cracks.

  • Shifting Soil: Erosion, shrinkage, and poor compaction may cause the soil under your slab to shift and form voids. 


We use underground cameras to detect sizable voids. It is a fast, accurate, and inexpensive method for void detection. The cameras help to accurately locate voids, underground structures, embedded utilities, and other objects.


Polyurethane foam is commonly used for:

  • Seawall Repair, Boat launches

  • Roadway voids: Highway, city streets, sidewalk

  • Residential Void filling beneath driveways, patio, and foundation 


Polyurethane foam can flow long distances beneath the surface directly from access points. Void filling is faster and more cost-effective than demolition and alternative methods.
With On The Level void filling, you can avoid heavy trucks and equipment required for using backfill or cement. Polyurethane is a great replacement for washout eroded soils.


 No mess left behind, any excess polyurethane foam will be neatly cleaned off the surface.

 Ready to use immediately!


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